
Silver ions

Recent studies have proven that silver nanoparticles under 10nm inhibit viral replication, having a destructive effect on over 600 types of bacteria, viruses and molds.

The new silver ions HERBAGEN line is comprised of 4 products:

  • Liquid body and hand soap with silvers ions and essential rosemary and clove oils. In vitro proven antibacterial effect. Can contribute to removing skin parasites (such as lice).
  • Liquid hand and body soap with silver ions and essential cinnamon and clove oils. In vitro proven antibacterial effect.
  • Liquid facial soap with silver ions and BIO lavender water. In vitro proven antibacterial effect.
  • High silver ions content floral lavender water. In vitro proven antibacterial effect.

Lavender Argentum Floral Water

Original price was: 7.00 €.Current price is: 5.60 €.

Argentum Lavender floral water is a 100% natural product and a mix…

Original price was: 7.00 €.Current price is: 5.60 €.

Original price was: 7.00 €.Current price is: 5.60 €.

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100% made
in Romania.

No animal

Safe ingredients
of natural origin.

No parabens
or paraffins.