

Cash on delivery is based on the fiscal paperwork you receive. Our couriers or the delivery firms we work with cannot request any other sum of money than that which is stipulated in this paperwork (receipts, invoice or AWB).

The shipping timeframe for products purchased on our website is usually between 1 and 3 working days from when the order is registered and confirmed.
Under special circumstances the delivery deadline can be exceeded.

If you cannot be reached on the day of delivery we will keep your order for three working days during which we will try to get in contact with you in order to finalize the delivery. If we are still unable to reach you after this time, the order will be canceled.

Please check your products upon delivery and register any complaint with the courier before signing off.

Our company reserves the right to disregard any complaints that are registered after the products have been delivered and the courier has left.

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100% made
in Romania.

No animal

Safe ingredients
of natural origin.

No parabens
or paraffins.


100% made
in Romania.

No animal

Safe ingredients
of natural origin.

No parabens
or paraffins.